Home and Chimney brickwork services


Although we specialize in chimneys, our expert brick work is often called upon for other projects.


There are some excellent breathable waterproofing solutions that are sometimes necessary on brick repairs.


If mortar joints have deteriorated to the point of repair the damage internally is usually severe. Tuck pointing is mainly cosmetic and does not correct the source of the decay. We believe that it is imperative to correct the problem at the root to avoid further cost and damage. It may also remain a hazard due to the leakages that may occur in your walls and attic.
Walls can crack due to time and settling of the foundation. In order to properly tuck point these areas a diamond blade in a grinder should be used in most cases. We want to remove the loose joints and obtain a proper depth to replace the old mortar using a pointing bag. We then finish the mortar with a nice clean concave joint to ensure a longer life of the new repair.